I Am An American

“I'm tired of being labeled. I'm an American. I'm not an African-American. I'm an American. I mean, I don't know where my roots go to. I don't know how far back they go. ... I don't know what country in Africa I'm from, but I do know that my roots are in Louisiana. I'm an American, and that's a colorless person, because we're all people. I have lots of things running through my veins.”

Recently Raven Symone made the comment above and has been attacked by the Black Community.  I find this sad but have to call into question as to why they are attacking her.

First of all people, you need to understand the difference between NATIONALITY vs ETHNICITY because there is a huge difference.

Nationality is where you were born.  It’s where you are from or where you call home.  Nationality can be changed because, as I said, it’s where you call home.

Ethnicity is your race and despite what people want to believe there are only three races: Asian, Black, and Caucasian.  When you learn the difference you won’t sound so stupid when you try to use labels, because after all, we are all human beings.

I have always like Raven, she is a great comedian and actress.  American fell in love with her on the Cosby show and from the sounds of it, she fell in love with America as well.  She came up in a time when you were PROUD to be called an American, when it meant something.

I agree with Raven, I am a human being and I am an American.  If you feel the need to add any more to that than you need to take a hard look at yourself and ask why?  If you use anything else in front of “American” then go ahead and stop at that word and leave American off, because if you are an American then there is nothing else that matters. I AM AN AMERICAN AND I AM PROUD TO SAY SO.

#IAMANAMERICAN #ravensymone

God Bless America

"God bless America,
Land that I love,
Stand beside her, and guide her
Through the night with a light from above.
From the mountains, to the prairies,
To the oceans, white with foam
God bless America, My home sweet home."
When I was a kid I was told it was against my religion to pledge to the flag but I should always respect it. I did as I was told.

Until I was in the 5th grade I had thought God Bless America was our National Anthem. Being the 80s I was told by all my adult figures how I was suppose to hate Russia. One teacher even told me those dirty Russians wanted to kill me, a kid, because I was a free American.

I learned to love my country, take pride in her, and know in my heart we lived in the best place in the world.

When we did "Duck and Cover" drills I was scared but my teacher would sing, God Bless America, and it soothed me like a protective blanket. I don't know if it was the lyrics or her voice but the song ALWAYS chokes me up to this day.

When I think about the lyrics today, however, I'm filled with a mixture of pride and sadness. My child will not know the same pride I felt at her age. Day after day I see my country slowly dying. She's bleeding out and it seems that no one can stop it.

We were great once so what happened? Where did we go wrong? Standing up to stupidity and bullies use to be a good thing yet now, the cry babies have taken over.

Advice I got from my parents, aunts and uncles use to be to STOP being a cry baby but now that's all we see.

I want my country back. I am an AMERICAN damn it! and that still means something to me.